Thursday, October 4, 2007

Headline of the day and weak jungle people

Headline of the day...

F1: Hamilton faces Japan probe.

That has to worded like that on purpose...

Well, it seems a previously unknown tribe of 'indigenous people' have been spotted in the Amazon. However, no contact is going to be made with them because they might get sick and die. I guess that is true. It is definitely much better for them if we never ever make contact with them. I find this poses some serious problems. How will they learn about Paris Hilton? Or the wonderful riches that America holds for illegal immigrants? I see that working for them greatly! Even if they are inflicted with a debilitating disease like chicken pox, if they come here illegally we will provide them with health care! So there really is no concern for their general well being. Also, these are potential future democratic voters! Obviously they are a minority of some sort. Think of the welfare, the health care, and the crime rate!

And also, if we don't contact them, how are they to learn the dangers of global warming? I think this is answered simply enough, they are already aware about global warming. They are living smack-dab in the middle of the jungles that are most effected by global warming. I think, it would make a better political gesture and act of genuine caring if instead of contacting them we just dropped picket signs

"George bush! Stop destroying our home with your global warming voo doo!"

1 comment:

sixcarboncompound said...

Global warming is a scam... thats all I have to say.