Monday, October 8, 2007

I guess I am racist

Everyday more and more I am told that I am racist. I am a white, middle-class male and therefore I hate blacks (who I supposedly call niggers), Asians (Japs and Chinks), Mexicans (wet backs), handicapped (cripples, dwarfs, and lazy a-holes), homosexuals (fags, dykes, homos, queers, gays, etc.). I thought this misconception of the white middle class male segment of society (which if we are going to dissect the population that much, isn't even a minority) was limited to media and liberal wieners but I am wrong.

I was taking an online test for my Education course and had this question...

Groups that have been most frequently discriminated against in terms of quality of education include all of the following except Question 24 answers

exceptional learners.

students with disabilities.

Asian Americans.


So, once again we dissect the population so that it is white people not only against other races but also against smarter people and dumber people.

I saw a poster at FSU for a talk on stereotyping, saying certain groups were not fairly represented in the media. These groups were; African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latin-Americans, native-Americans, homosexuals, and poor whites. What?! Poor whites is now a minority! The case against me grows.

I am not black, I am not Asian, I am not gay, I am not a native-American, I am not Latino, I am not poor, I am not Jewish. Thus I am racist. Damn...

ALSO I would like to state that from henceforth I find the term 'white' offensive, I now demand to be called American-American. Thank you.

1 comment:

sixcarboncompound said...

Amen. I wrote a script for my Directing class which contained the line, "alright whipper-snappers, Ima Gonna tell yous a story!" this line was meant for an elderly 'grandmother' with senility figure (it was originally for a male, but I thought of a girl in my class who would be perfect for the role.) Esentially, I was attempting senility and eccentric old age. Hitherto, the proclaimed Socialist in my class said, "thats racist." I thought... "Why? because you're psyche attached a race to something not intended as a stereotype?"
Thanks for cheapening what I was doing. Thank you for turning my character into your racial stereotype, and also thank you for reversing any progress we have made in defeating racism. Oh, and also for parading your ignorance around as genuine concern for others.