Monday, October 1, 2007

The Right Direction for Michigan!

To spare us from the horrible inconvenience of having the lottery and alcohol sales being stopped, the Michigan government decided to raise the income tax and expand the sales tax. How nice of them! I guess it is rather convenient though. Since now it will be nearly impossible to get a job in Michigan, we will however be able to drink away our unemployment sorrows and try our luck at making the lottery our main source of income!

On a more serious and less sarcastic note, I would have gladly dealt with a Government shutdown if they wouldn't raise my taxes. Here's the deal, I like the little bit of money I make and I like it even more when I get to keep it. That is why I don't gamble, I like to keep my money. So, this newly passed budget only helps one group of people, those who like the throw their money away. Studies have shown that the number of people frivolously lighting their money on fire or mixing it into soups has gone down significantly in the state of Michigan over the past 5 years. I think if state leaders just paid attention to facts like these, Michigan would be heading in a much better direction...

1 comment:

sixcarboncompound said...

I agree with this. The 'Gov't Shutdown' is an insultingly blatant scare tactic. "oh no! It'll be an anarchy in michigan if we don't raise taxes!" How about this, Impeachment... For Granholm.