Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Zune blows...

It really does. I have an Ipod but I am not an "Ipod supremacist' like the people I see walking back and forth to class, back and forth to lunch, and back and forth from the bathroom everyday with little wired chicklets stuck in their ears. But I do believe Ipod is better then Zune.

There really is no comparison. Zune lacks a clock, games, a good organizational system, and the awesome sexy appeal of Ipod (that was a joke... please laugh). Granted Zune does have the wifi music sharing thing, so you can share your music with all the other 3 Zune users in America. Oh! And it has radio! HD Radio... but most people get mp3 players so they don't have to listen to the radio anyway so that is a relatively moot point.

Even Microsoft recognizes it. All Zune is is a knock-off of Ipod. A cheap imitation that costs pretty much the same. But even if you are still undecided about which device is better I offer this option... Don't get either one and actually enjoy the world around you.

I am not sure if I am the only one who feels this way but I feel like cold-cocking every a-hole walking around with those stupid and oh-so trendy ear buds stuck in their head. It is not so much that I hate Ipods, Zunes, Zunpods and Iunes, It is just the fact that they can not hear me or anything else that is going on around then. That is why I ussually walk behind them and say things like "Your butt reminds me of an asparagus." Most of the time their butt doesn't remind me of an asparagus, but it fun to insult them and see if they notice. They never do.

The worst part is they listen to it so loud that you can hear the music that is playing. It is usually rap, or some sort of emo band that isn't ready to admit they are emo (but we all know they are...) But worst yet is when its that stupid stupid song from the 90's...

Love me love me, say that you love me....


sixcarboncompound said...

Badly titled, because you are knocking all mp3 players. It should be titled, "people who drown out reality with crappy music blow, regardless of the technological medium they use."

sorta long though. 6 months ago, I was confident that zune at least kept up with Ipod. I use my zune and I love what it can do for me. the only problem is, now there's Ipod touch... and all the new nanos, all of that 'variety' that Ipod has..... Zune doesn't blow. Its not "cheap" as you put it. It has it's own style, which I like, but lacks in comparison to the empire iPod has created. either way, UYC, you should be pleased that there is competition and variety in the market. What kind of capitalist are you? I bought my zune BECAUSE it had a slim chance!

Zaxl said...

Haha! "people who drown out reality with crappy music blow, regardless of the technological medium they use."- That is a great title!

Yeah, Ipod could be almost a monopoly were it not for Zune and SanDisk, which I was suprised to find out SanDisk has more of the market then Microsoft (only like 2 percent more but still!) But let me clarify Jake, Zune isn't necessarily bad, but I think Ipod is better. I would still take a Zune if given for free, but What would I take for free?